Women less likely to seek substance use treatment due to stigma, logistics

Credit rating: Unsplash/CC0 General public Domain Much less than 11{2c3a8711102f73ee058d83c6a8025dc7f37722aad075054eaafcf582b93871a0} of ladies with a material use…

Maybe B.C.’s drug addicts should have to face shame and stigma

Breadcrumb Trail Links NP Comment Anyone who has driven or walked down East Hastings can tell…

Hospitals look to storytelling to reduce stigma toward people with addiction

Belle Smith was using heroin a few years ago and didn’t have access to a…

Structural Stigma In Law: Implications And Opportunities For Health And Health Equity

KEY POINTS: Stigma can be defined, studied, and measured. When stigma is promoted through the organizations…